Baptisms (also known as Christenings) take place in Beulah in Sunday morning
worship. This begins at 10.30am. Most commonly it is a baby or small child who
is brought for baptism and in such cases this is our usual approach:
It will be in the first half of worship and there are activities for children
and young people to join in after the baptism, including a crèche. We try very
hard to make it a relaxed and informal environment, and we want you to feel
welcome. We also want you to help shape the service. You can choose hymns and
readings, and if there’s anyone in your family or friends who would like to read
or take part in any way they will be very welcome.

The baptism itself is built around three sorts of statement. Firstly, a
statement giving thanks to God for the birth of your child. Secondly, a
statement about trying to be a loving parent. Thirdly, a statement about faith
in God. We try to reflect the church’s understanding of baptism as well as the
parents feelings of thankfulness in the words we use. Godparents are asked to
promise their support to you and your child, and the congregation also make a
We invite all the children to come and stand around us at the baptism itself.
After the baptism itself I always take the child for a ‘tour’ of the
congregation so that everyone can meet and coo over them. If you have older
children we try to include them in big brother/sister promises and accompanying
me on the ‘tour’. We then have a prayer for your child and for you as
parents/parent and present you with a baptismal certificate and candle.
Giving thanks to God for your child:
......... do you give thanks to God for ....?
I do.
Promises about being a parent
You have brought ...... into the world, do you commit yourselves to care
for her/him nurturing her/him into adulthood confident in your love?
I do.
(We also encourage older brothers and sisters to make a promise)
To the god parents:
Do you promise to support and encourage n, making time for him/her
whenever s/he turns to you, helping him/her and the family in all the
ways you are able?
I do.
A statement of faith
.............. you have come seeking baptism for ...... , do you trust
in the love Christ has for you and for ...... and promise to nurture
her/his faith in Christ?
I do.
We also baptise young people and adults where they have not been
baptised before and this is conducted in similar pattern to the infant
baptism but with different promises. Contact us for more information.