Beulah United Reformed Church
Rhiwbina, Cardiff

Part of the Cardiff & Penarth United Reformed Church Pastorate


Flowing Streams, Bringing Life



Prayer Walk

This prayer walk around Beulah Garden provides some questions and challenges, some points for thought and reflection.

Take time to meditate and pray in whatever way you find helpful.

The Nursery Room

Have you any memories of the Nursery Room?

Maybe you or a member of your family attended Beulah Nursery or maybe you remember the Beginners Department of Beulah Junior Church which met here.

Where are all these children now?
What did they do in life?
What kind of people did they become?
What joys and troubles did they face in life?
What seeds planted here, blossomed?
Did they discover God journeying with them?
What are they doing right now?

Take a moment to bless these children, now grown to adulthood and those who worked and played and prayed with them in this place.

Ask God to give us wisdom and guidance for the precious task of caring for children – our own, our grandchildren, in schools or nurseries, in churches and through the many government agencies or charities.

The “Cwtch Bench”

A garden or park bench is a great place to meet and chat, sometimes with friends or acquaintances but sometimes with passing strangers. This bench sat outside the church for several years and many conversations took place on it.

The young people in Beulah painted the Cwtch Bench – a riot of colour and pattern, names and shapes – random! Our world is full of diversity – in Nature, in music, culture, people – every aspect of life.

Take time to thank God for the many and varied friends you have.

How have you helped each other?
Who have you lost touch with?
Who has been on your mind lately?
How could you offer help and support?

Ask God’s blessing on these friends and consider – are you the answer to your own prayer?

The Tree of Life

Trees are amazing!

Perhaps you have enjoyed walking in the beautiful woods on the Wenallt during lockdown.

Do you have a favourite tree?
Is there a tree somewhere which holds special memories for you?

Trees have wonderful and complex root systems.
Where are your roots?
Are they in Rhiwbina or far beyond this place?
Maybe you don’t feel that you have any strong roots at all.

The Bible talks about being rooted in God’s love. In the storms of life those roots are important.

Thank God for his unconditional love for you. How can you respond to that love?

Jesus and the Child

The picture of Jesus and the child looking out to sea was prompted by the recent refugee crisis and the heart breaking news coverage of so many families fleeing war and persecution, many drowning in the sea during their dangerous journeys.

These people have largely disappeared from the news headlines but continue to live lives of quiet desperation in tents, in camps and hostels, their situation made worse now with Covid-19.

What can you do to help?

Remember these people in your prayers. Pray for opportunities to help practically or speak up for the voiceless. Pray that they will not be forgotten by those with the authority and the funds to help.

The Cross made of Fish

Do you sometimes feel very small and unimportant, like one of the many small fish in the sea?

This beautiful sculpture uses the many small fish shapes to create the outline of the Cross. The symbol of a fish was the secret sign of Christians in the early persecuted church. Perhaps we, as small fish together can be signs of God’s sacrificial love in our communities by what we say and what we do.

Thank God for His amazing love.

Pray for ways to create signs and demonstrate God’s love to our neighbours whoever and wherever they are.

The Stone Carving

Who do you think this person is?
Why have they covered their face?
What do you think they are feeling?

This stone carving was made in Zimbabwe in a collective of very talented artists.
In the midst of the Black Lives Matter Campaign, what new information have you learned about the positive contribution of black people to this country?

What new information have you learned which has shocked you about the history and treatment of black people in the UK?

Are there attitudes for which we should ask God for forgiveness?

Are there times when we have been silent in the face of racism when we should have spoken? Pray for courage to do what is right.

Solar Panels

Beulah became an “Eco Church” a number of years ago and the installation of these solar panels was part of our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint.

During the months of lockdown perhaps you have had the opportunity to take more time than usual to appreciate nature.
What have you particularly enjoyed?
What walks have you discovered?
What did you plant in your garden?

Lift your heart in praise to God for the astonishingly beautiful world we live in.

How have your values and life-style changed in lockdown?

Are there things you can continue doing or stop doing which would help you to live more gently on God’s beautiful planet?

The Garden

I hope you have enjoyed a time of quiet and reflection in this garden.

For many, the recent days of lockdown have slowed the pace of life and led to a re-evaluation of what is important.

“You have travelled too fast over false ground;
Your soul has come to take you back.
Take refuge in your senses, open up
To all the small miracles you rushed through.”
By John O’Donohue
From “For One who is Exhausted, a Blessing

Sit and drink in the sights and sounds and smells of this garden and perhaps you will discover that “your soul has come to take you back.”

Any comments, thoughts or reactions to the Prayer Walk would be welcome on our Facebook page Beulah URC or Email:


This page last updated: 24 January 2025

Copyright © Beulah URC. All rights reserved.